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Frequently asked questions
Finding the right therapist is not always easy, and lots of questions can pop up when starting the process. Below are some of the most common topics, and always feel welcome to reach out for any information that can help make the process easier.
Do you prescribe medications?Some mamas have greatly benefited from medication, and some prefer to go without. I myself do not prescribe medication, but if this is something you are interested in I can help guide the way to include this in your care.
Is it ok if my baby comes with me?What works for you works for me! For some, the time they spend in session is one of the only times they are able to step away and they may feel distracted if their baby is with them. For others, having their baby with them is more comfortable and/or finding reliable childcare is too challenging at the moment. It also does not have to be all in or all out, and babies are always welcome to swing by for a snuggle or feeding!
Do I need to be diagnosed with postpartum depression to sign up?Absolutely not! No formal diagnosis is necessary, as long as you are experiencing depressive and/or anxious symptoms and either have a young baby or one on the way.
I have been feeling more anxious lately, but wouldn't necessarily call myself depressed. Can I still have postpartum depression?While the term "Postpartum Depression" can bring up thoughts of sadness and lethargy, it actually does cover anxiety symptoms as well. What experts used to refer to as Postpartum Depression has now evolved into the term Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (or PMADs for short), since there are lots of ways our mental health can be thrown for a loop during this often chaotic time! Some of the most common PMADs include: Postpartum Depression (PPD), Postpartum Anxiety (PPA), Postpartum Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Postpartum Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Bipolar Disorder (BD) with a peripartum onset, and the extremely rare Postpartum Psychosis (PPP). Postpartum depression can also look like racing thoughts, fears about something happening to the baby, or that heart pumping feeling when you feel like things are slipping out of control. ALL moms have these feelings and thoughts sometimes, but if they are getting in the way of you living comfortably there are many ways to find support. Interested in learning more? Visit Postpartum Support International to learn more about all the nuances in perinatal mental health!
I think I may have postpartum depression, but my baby is over a year old. Can I still see you?Absolutely! While the PMH-C certification is designed to cover pregnancy and infanthood, feel welcome to reach out if you have kiddos a little older too as toddlerhood also deserves specialized support!
When is it no longer the "Baby Blues"?The "Baby Blues" are usually defined as the first two weeks after giving birth where the mama feels exhausted, irritable, teary, and more emotional than usual. The symptoms are very similar to those of postpartum depression, but typically go away after a couple weeks without any therapeutic intervention. Think of them as a transitional period where everything has been turned upside down and you are trying to figure out how all the pieces fit (while likely very sleep deprived)! The Baby Blues are VERY common, and it is estimated that about 80 percent of women experience them. ​ Once two weeks have passed, it is time to consider the possibility that postpartum depression may be present. Whether you have been feeling this way for a couple days or a couple months, it is never too early to reach out for help! There is no timer or countdown that needs to click for you to get the care you need and deserve.
I feel overwhelmed with being a new mama, but I am not sure if I need counseling. How can I know if it is right for me?Therapy can feel daunting, even for a seasoned pro! If you are on the fence, we can schedule a 15 minute call to see if it is a good fit free of charge.
What does postpartum depression look like?Postpartum depression looks different for everyone. For some, it looks like endless days and nights where everyday feels like Groundhog Day and it can be hard to remember the last time you took a real shower. For others, it is trying to control every last hair on your head in hopes no one notices that you are a crumbling Jenga tower inside. ​ Whatever it looks like for you, there are several key indicators that are commonly experienced by those experiencing postpartum depression. These include: ​ Trouble sleeping (even when you are off baby duty) When you are able to get some rest, you still feel exhausted afterwards Trouble feeling connected to your baby Thoughts that seem to stick and are hard to shake, especially ones that cause you to feel like you are a bad mom or that you are not able to get through this Feeling isolated and alone ​ This is a list of common symptoms, but is not meant to be a strict checklist. We all have good days and bad days, and some of these things may feel more intense than others. If you recognize some of these experiences and/or feelings, know that it is not your fault and there is effective and supportive treatment available.
Do you provide couples counseling?Postpartum depression and anxiety can feel like a full pitcher that spills over, and can impact those in your corner. Including your partner in your mental health is usually encouraged, and can help build the support network you need to heal and thrive. While I do not provide direct couples therapy, I do encourage having your partner attend some sessions to help get on the same page if that is something you are interested in.
What dates and times are you available for sessions?I am currently available Monday-Friday in the mornings and early afternoons. If you need urgent support, there is help available 24/7 by calling the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline at: 1-833-9-HELP4MOMS (1-833-943-5746)
Are you available to meet in person or via telehealth?The pandemic has changed a lot for all of us, and currently sessions are only held virtually.
Are you available for crisis sessions?Mental health crises do not always fall in the usual work hours, and can often pop up without notice. Currently I am not available for urgent services, however, there is support for those 3 AM calls (or whenever you need!). If you need urgent support, there is help available 24/7 by calling the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline at: 1-833-9-HELP4MOMS (1-833-943-5746). If you are worried about your safety or the safety of those around you, please call 911 or visit your local emergency room. You can also call 988 to be connected to Lifeline, a free and confidential service where you can talk to trained volunteers 24/7.
I was connected with you through Mothers Care, what therapy services does this include?Mothers Care is a local Petaluma agency that works to provide initial assessment and early treatment for perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. In doing so, they cover your first two sessions so they are completely free! After our first two sessions, we will begin exploring what treatment should look like, how to include your insurance, and ongoing support options. This can be a great way for those nearby to get a specialized assessment and some early support! Interested in learning more? Reach out with any questions or visit the Mothers Care website!
What is the fee if I do not use insurance?If you do not currently have mental health insurance coverage, your insurance provider is not listed, or you would simply rather pay for services yourself the Individual Session price is currently $200 for a 60 minute session. If financial constraints are a challenge, please do not feel as though help is unattainable. Please visit the PSI provider directory to find additional providers that are in your area, have various sliding scale opportunities, and are covered by insurance when applicable. PSI also provides trained volunteers that can help you navigate finding the right service for you, because sometimes it helps to have a real person take the place of endless Google searching!
Do you take insurance?Yes! The insurance providers currently accepted are: Aetna Cigna Optum Anthem/ Blue Cross Blue Shield Kaiser California​​ (Northern and Southern) If you do not see your insurance listed, feel free to reach out about private pay options as well. At this time there are no sliding scale opportunities available, but may be added in the future.
I missed our session! Will I be charged and can I reschedule?We have all been there! It can be frustrating to peek at your clock or calendar and realize you missed an appointment, especially when you are trying so hard to keep everything together. Absolutely feel free to reach out to reschedule and know there is no hard feelings on this end, and we can book another time to connect. Outside of emergencies, however, if you are not able to let me know with 24 hours of our appointment you will be charged the price of the session.
Do I need to prepare for our sessions?No preparation is necessary! Other than physically being in California and finding an internet connection you are essentially ready to go. However, sessions are currently offered via Zoom so it is recommended to have the platform installed before we meet to avoid possible technology delays. Carving out time for yourself is hard enough as it is, and while I encourage you to complete various exercises and activities as we go there is no failing therapy! Sometimes you are able to complete worksheets and find your home peacefully quiet, and sometimes you feel like you are screeching into the call with a baby on your hip. Whatever the day looks like for you, you are welcome to come as you are!
Is everything I say confidential?Therapy wouldn't be nearly as helpful if you had the sneaking suspicion that what you share was going to be held against you or spread around like wildfire. Everything is absolutely kept private, with the exception of safety concerns that I am legally required to report. For example, if you disclose that you are in physical danger or there is an indication of abuse occurring I am mandated to share selected facts with relevant authorities in order to keep you and others safe. Let it slip that you feel like the worst mother in the world and you are starting to resent this new grind? That insight is kept between us. If you are have any concerns about what is shared, what the crisis protocols are, where information is stored, or any other privacy matter feel free to reach out to clarify and learn more.
How long does therapy usually last?Therapy can be a provided on a short term or a long term basis, it really depends on what level of support you are looking for! I typically see clients weekly for the first couple months, and then move to every other week depending on symptoms and progress made. The average amount of time I work with clients is 3-6 months, although many report starting to feel better within the first couple weeks! It is also common to schedule sessions farther apart as symptoms improve or taking longer breaks altogether, what matters most is that you get the care you need and deserve on a schedule and timeline that works for you.
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